Kicking Class gives specialized attention to the details of proper kicking techniques.
This focused time allows our students to work on those kicks that are most challenging, while fine-tuning and continuing improvement on those that come more naturally.
Forms Class brings our students back to the basic moves that create each form.
We focus on proper stances, hand positioning and timing, as well as techniques that will create a form that is visually appealing.

Sparring Class is designed to train our students advanced sparring techniques, as well as keep them keyed in to the basics.
This class requires sparring gear in order to increase endurance as well as allow for light impact.
black belt club & master club classes
At Bill Cho's United Taekwondo, we strive to meet the needs and desires of our students; providing the best training opportunites to refine their techniques and hone their skills.
We understand that focused, more specialized training, allows our students to better achieve their martial art goals. Black Belt and Master Club Classes are member-only classes designed for those students looking to take their training to the next level.